a post with pseudo code

This is an example post with some pseudo code rendered by pseudocode. The example presented here is the same as the one in the pseudocode.js documentation, with only one simple but important change: everytime you would use $, you should use $$ instead. Also, note that the pseudocode key in the front matter is set to true to enable the rendering of pseudo code. As an example, using this code:

% This quicksort algorithm is extracted from Chapter 7, Introduction to Algorithms (3rd edition)
\PROCEDURE{Quicksort}{$$A, p, r$$}
    \IF{$$p < r$$}
        \STATE $$q = $$ \CALL{Partition}{$$A, p, r$$}
        \STATE \CALL{Quicksort}{$$A, p, q - 1$$}
        \STATE \CALL{Quicksort}{$$A, q + 1, r$$}
\PROCEDURE{Partition}{$$A, p, r$$}
    \STATE $$x = A[r]$$
    \STATE $$i = p - 1$$
    \FOR{$$j = p$$ \TO $$r - 1$$}
        \IF{$$A[j] < x$$}
            \STATE $$i = i + 1$$
            \STATE exchange
            $$A[i]$$ with $$A[j]$$
        \STATE exchange $$A[i]$$ with $$A[r]$$


% This quicksort algorithm is extracted from Chapter 7, Introduction to Algorithms (3rd edition)
\PROCEDURE{Quicksort}{$$A, p, r$$}
    \IF{$$p < r$$}
        \STATE $$q = $$ \CALL{Partition}{$$A, p, r$$}
        \STATE \CALL{Quicksort}{$$A, p, q - 1$$}
        \STATE \CALL{Quicksort}{$$A, q + 1, r$$}
\PROCEDURE{Partition}{$$A, p, r$$}
    \STATE $$x = A[r]$$
    \STATE $$i = p - 1$$
    \FOR{$$j = p$$ \TO $$r - 1$$}
        \IF{$$A[j] < x$$}
            \STATE $$i = i + 1$$
            \STATE exchange
            $$A[i]$$ with $$A[j]$$
        \STATE exchange $$A[i]$$ with $$A[r]$$

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